After 30 years of the sport, teaching, leading professionals, I become the creator of COMBO FLOW.
Do more for your core! High-Intensity Interval Training. Improve posture, protect your back, and strengthen your body's support system with this complete core workout. This dynamic routine will get your heart rate up and the fun flowing! It's high-energy, high-intensity, and will work up a sweat while you restore your joints and muscles.
A mindful, effective, fusion of Pilates, Yoga, and better-aligned fitness moves, to improve your overall physical condition. The exercises designed to help you build strength, improve endurance, boost energy, relieve stress, and develop long and lean muscles. You will work your total body: arms, abs, legs, butt, hips, lower back, upper back, ankles, and feet. It's the perfect combination of strength and stretching that will help your body feel AMAZING.